C&M at APSA Annual Meetings
Over the years, as Research Committee #1 (RC 01) of the International Political Science Association (IPSA), C&M has co-developed with "sister organizations" in other professional associations.
C&M shares its roots with the Research Committee on Conceptual and Terminological Analysis (COCTA) at the International Sociologcial Association (ISA). COCTA is still active and, in fact, retains the original name of IPSA RC 1. (C&M began as COCTA, but has since broadened its name and mission to include "methods.")
At the American Political Science Association (APSA), C&M had been active as a Related Group for many years, yet ceased its activities when the Organized Section on Qualitative and Mixed Methods was founded. In 2009, we reapplied for and regained admission as Related Group at APSA. Since then, C&M has convened panels at each APSA congress.